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Initiate Deployment

Begin by clicking the "Deploy" button below to kickstart the deployment process. This will set up NodeBB on Elestio seamlessly.

Deploy on Elestio

Choose Your Providers

  1. Select the cloud service provider of your choice.

  2. Choose the region that aligns with your preferences.

  3. Opt for a service plan based on your needs, with details such as CPU and RAM provided.

  4. Confirm your selections and proceed to the next step by clicking "Next."


  1. Choose the support level that suits your requirements.

  2. Provide a name for your application.

  3. Add an admin email for accessibility.

  4. Click "Create Service" to initialize the setup.

  5. Optionally, copy your Terraform config for future reference.

Utilize NodeBB

  1. Click on "Display Admin UI."
  2. Access the Admin UI using the link provided.
  3. Enter the username and password provided on the dashboard.

Keep NodeBB Updated

  1. Navigate to the Overview section within your NodeBB service.

  2. Click "Change version" in the Software section.

  3. Choose the latest version or your preferred version.

  4. Optionally, update configurations or restart the instance with a single click under the same section.

Congratulations! Your NodeBB instance on Elestio is now successfully deployed and configured. Feel free to explore and utilize its capabilities or update as needed.