Database structure

NodeBB stores data using different structures based on redis (see here). These are hashes, sets, sortedsets and lists.

A hash is comparable to a javascript object, sets are collections of unique values, sorted sets are same as sets but they have an extra score field that lets sorting the values. Lists are similar to an array in JS.

For example each user's data is stored in an object with a unique key in the form user:<uid> where <uid> is the unique id of the user.

NodeBB uses the following key names to refer to ids.

  • uid - user id user:<uid>
  • cid - category id cateogory:<cid>
  • tid - topic id topic:<tid>
  • pid - post id post:<pid>
  • mid - message id message:<mid>
  • nid - notification id notifications:<nid>
  • eid - event id event:<eid>

Whenever you see a key like user:<uid> it means <uid> is an increasing numeric identifier. Ie user:1, user:2 ,user:1000 and so on. The only exception to this are notifications which use a unique string per notification.

To grab the data of user 100 you can run hgetall user:100 in redis or db.objects.findOne({_key: "user:100"}) in mongodb.

Here is the output from mongodb.

> db.objects.findOne({_key:"user:100"})
        "_id" : ObjectId("555b9afa65190fe2123df8de"),
        "_key" : "user:100",
        "username" : "KwVLmsBU",
        "userslug" : "kwvlmsbu",
        "email" : "[email protected]",
        "joindate" : 1432066810034,
        "picture" : "",
        "fullname" : "",
        "location" : "",
        "birthday" : "",
        "website" : "",
        "signature" : "",
        "uploadedpicture" : "",
        "profileviews" : 0,
        "reputation" : 0,
        "postcount" : 0,
        "topiccount" : 0,
        "lastposttime" : 0,
        "banned" : 0,
        "status" : "online",
        "uid" : 100

The same applies to posts, topics, categories below are example outputs for the most important objects.

Global Object - Stores counters for the other objects in the forum.

> db.objects.findOne({_key: "global"}) 
        "_id" : ObjectId("5c9be01d375afb4e6c577081"),
        "_key" : "global",
        "nextEid" : 183,
        "nextCid" : 26,
        "nextUid" : 23,
        "userCount" : 23,
        "nextTid" : 36,
        "topicCount" : 34,
        "nextPid" : 357,
        "postCount" : 355,
        "uniqueIPCount" : 149,
        "nextChatRoomId" : 10,
        "nextMid" : 55

Config Object - stores forum wide settings

> db.objects.findOne({_key: "config"})
        "_id" : ObjectId("5c9bdff1375afb4e6c577073"),
        "_key" : "config",
        "email:from" : "[email protected]",
        "adminReloginDuration" : 60,
        "allowAccountDelete" : 1,
        "allowGuestHandles" : 0,
        "allowMultipleBadges" : 0,
        "allowPrivateGroups" : 1,
        "allowProfileImageUploads" : 1,
        "allowTopicsThumbnail" : 0,
        "allowUserHomePage" : 0,
        "allowedFileExtensions" : "png,jpg,bmp",
        "autoDetectLang" : 1,
        "bookmarkThreshold" : 5,
        "categoryWatchState" : "watching",
        "chatDeleteDuration" : 5,
        "chatEditDuration" : 5,
        "chatMessageDelay" : 200,
        "defaultLang" : "en-US",
        "digestHour" : 17,
        "disableChat" : 0,
        "disableEmailSubscriptions" : 0,
        "disableRecentCategoryFilter" : 0,
        "disableSignatures" : 0,
        "downvote:disabled" : 0,
        "email:disableEdit" : 0,
        "emailConfirmInterval" : 10,
        "enablePostHistory" : 1,
        "eventLoopCheckEnabled" : 1,
        "eventLoopInterval" : 500,
        "eventLoopLagThreshold" : 100,
        "feeds:disableSitemap" : 1,
        "gdpr_enabled" : 0,
        "hideFullname" : 0,
        "hsts-enabled" : 0,
        "hsts-maxage" : 31536000,
        "hsts-preload" : 0,
        "hsts-subdomains" : 0,
        "initialPostDelay" : 10,
        "inviteExpiration" : 7,
        "lockoutDuration" : 60,
        "loginAttempts" : 5,
        "loginDays" : 14,
        "loginSeconds" : 0,
        "maintenanceMode" : 0,
        "maxPostsPerPage" : 20,
        "maxTopicsPerPage" : 20,
        "maximumAboutMeLength" : 1000,
        "maximumChatMessageLength" : 1000,
        "maximumCoverImageSize" : 2048,
        "maximumFileSize" : 2048,
        "maximumGroupNameLength" : 255,
        "maximumGroupTitleLength" : 40,
        "maximumInvites" : 0,
        "maximumPostLength" : 32767,
        "maximumProfileImageSize" : 256,
        "maximumRelatedTopics" : 0,
        "maximumSignatureLength" : 255,
        "maximumTagLength" : 15,
        "maximumTagsPerTopic" : 5,
        "maximumTitleLength" : 255,
        "maximumUsernameLength" : 16,
        "maximumUsersInChatRoom" : 0,
        "min:rep:aboutme" : 0,
        "min:rep:cover-picture" : 0,
        "min:rep:downvote" : 0,
        "min:rep:flag" : 0,
        "min:rep:profile-picture" : 0,
        "min:rep:signature" : 0,
        "min:rep:website" : 0,
        "minimumPasswordLength" : 6,
        "minimumPasswordStrength" : 0,
        "minimumPostLength" : 8,
        "minimumTagLength" : 3,
        "minimumTagsPerTopic" : 0,
        "minimumTitleLength" : 3,
        "minimumUsernameLength" : 2,
        "newbiePostDelay" : 120,
        "newbiePostDelayThreshold" : 3,
        "notificationType_follow" : "notification",
        "notificationType_group-invite" : "notification",
        "notificationType_mention" : "notification",
        "notificationType_new-chat" : "notification",
        "notificationType_new-post-flag" : "notification",
        "notificationType_new-register" : "notification",
        "notificationType_new-reply" : "notification",
        "notificationType_new-topic" : "notification",
        "notificationType_new-user-flag" : "notification",
        "notificationType_post-queue" : "notification",
        "notificationType_upvote" : "notification",
        "onlineCutoff" : 30,
        "passwordExpiryDays" : 0,
        "postCacheSize" : 10485760,
        "postDelay" : 10,
        "postDeleteDuration" : 0,
        "postEditDuration" : 0,
        "postsPerPage" : 20,
        "preventTopicDeleteAfterReplies" : 0,
        "profile:convertProfileImageToPNG" : 0,
        "profile:keepAllUserImages" : 0,
        "profileImageDimension" : 200,
        "registrationType" : "disabled",
        "rejectImageHeight" : 5000,
        "rejectImageWidth" : 5000,
        "reputation:disabled" : 0,
        "requireEmailConfirmation" : 0,
        "resizeImageQuality" : 80,
        "resizeImageWidth" : 760,
        "resizeImageWidthThreshold" : 2000,
        "showSiteTitle" : 0,
        "sitemapTopics" : 500,
        "teaserPost" : "last-post",
        "timeagoCutoff" : 30,
        "title" : "My Forums",
        "topicStaleDays" : 60,
        "topicThumbSize" : 120,
        "topicsPerPage" : 20,
        "unreadCutoff" : 2,
        "userSearchResultsPerPage" : 50,
        "username:disableEdit" : 0,
        "votesArePublic" : 0,
        "bootswatchSkin" : "",
        "theme:id" : "nodebb-theme-persona",
        "theme:src" : "",
        "theme:staticDir" : "",
        "theme:templates" : "",
        "theme:type" : "local",
        "customCSS" : "",
        "customHTML" : "",
        "customJS" : "",
        "enableLiveReload" : 1,
        "renderedCustomCSS" : "",
        "useCustomCSS" : 0,
        "useCustomHTML" : 0,
        "useCustomJS" : 1,
        "brand:favicon" : "",
        "brand:logo" : "",
        "brand:logo:alt" : "",
        "brand:logo:url" : "",
        "brand:touchIcon" : "",
        "browserTitle" : "",
        "description" : "",
        "keywords" : "",
        "og:image" : "",
        "outgoingLinks:whitelist" : "",
        "searchDefaultSortBy" : "relevance",
        "title:url" : "",
        "titleLayout" : "",
        "useOutgoingLinksPage" : 0,
        "homePageCustom" : "/home",
        "homePageRoute" : "categories",
        "homePageTitle" : "",
        "categoryTopicSort" : "oldest_to_newest",
        "composer:allowPluginHelp" : 1,
        "composer:customHelpText" : "",
        "composer:showHelpTab" : 1,
        "postQueue" : 1,
        "signatures:disableImages" : 0,
        "signatures:disableLinks" : 0,
        "topicPostSort" : "oldest_to_newest",
        "trackIpPerPost" : 0,
        "allowLoginWith" : "username-email",
        "dailyDigestFreq" : "off",
        "disableCustomUserSkins" : 0,
        "followTopicsOnCreate" : 0,
        "followTopicsOnReply" : 0,
        "hideEmail" : 0,
        "notificationType_group-request-membership" : "none",
        "openOutgoingLinksInNewTab" : 0,
        "password:disableEdit" : 0,
        "restrictChat" : 0,
        "showemail" : 0,
        "showfullname" : 0,
        "termsOfUse" : "",
        "topicSearchEnabled" : 0,
        "submitPluginUsage" : 0,
        "registrationApprovalType" : "admin-approval",
        "brand:emailLogo" : "\\assets\\uploads\\system\\site-logo-x50.png",
        "brand:logo:height" : 29,
        "brand:logo:width" : 32,
        "brand:emailLogo:height" : 50,
        "brand:emailLogo:width" : 155,
        "chat-incoming" : "Default | Water drop (high)",
        "chat-outgoing" : "Default | Deedle-dum",
        "notification" : "Default | Water drop (low)",
        "disableChatMessageEditing" : 0,
        "cookieConsentDismiss" : "",
        "cookieConsentEnabled" : 1,
        "cookieConsentLink" : "",
        "cookieConsentLinkUrl" : "",
        "cookieConsentMessage" : "",
        "cookieDomain" : "",
        "feeds:disableRSS" : 0,
        "robots:txt" : "",
        "backgroundColor" : "",
        "themeColor" : "",
        "title:short" : "",
        "groupsExemptFromPostQueue" : "[\"Global Moderators\",\"administrators\"]",
        "necroThreshold" : 7,
        "newbiePostEditDuration" : 3600,
        "postQueueReputationThreshold" : 2

Category Object

> db.objects.find({_key:"category:25"}).pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("55d2c27ed03b9afd5af5e854"),
        "_key" : "category:25",
        "cid" : 25,
        "name" : "sub1",
        "description" : "",
        "icon" : "fa-comments",
        "bgColor" : "#AB4642",
        "color" : "#fff",
        "slug" : "25/sub1",
        "parentCid" : 23,
        "topic_count" : 0,
        "post_count" : 0,
        "disabled" : 0,
        "order" : 1,
        "link" : "",
        "numRecentReplies" : 1,
        "class" : "col-md-3 col-xs-6",
        "imageClass" : "auto"

Topic Object

> db.objects.find({_key:"topic:2000"}).pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("5547ae9d65190fe21227622c"),
        "_key" : "topic:2000",
        "tid" : 2000,
        "uid" : 668,
        "cid" : 2,
        "mainPid" : 15257,
        "title" : "Host Nodebb Free",
        "slug" : "2000/host-nodebb-free",
        "timestamp" : 1405433121145,
        "lastposttime" : 1421334586258,
        "postcount" : 34,
        "viewcount" : 1691,
        "locked" : 0,
        "deleted" : 0,
        "pinned" : 0,
        "teaserPid" : 25995,
        "upvotes": 0,
        "downvotes": 0

Post Object

> db.objects.findOne({_key:"post:20000"});
        "_id" : ObjectId("5547af3f65190fe2122d0b3c"),
        "_key" : "post:20000",
        "edited" : 0,
        "pid" : 20000,
        "content" : "content of this post",
        "tid" : 2543,
        "timestamp" : 1412304172707,
        "deleted" : 0,
        "editor" : "",
        "uid" : 747,
        "toPid" : 19999,
        "upvotes" : 0,
        "downvotes": 0

Plugin Settings Object - plugin settings are saved in these objects settings:<id>

> db.objects.findOne({_key: "settings:mentions"})
        "_id" : ObjectId("5e8c8db8ba5ceec316de0b92"),
        "_key" : "settings:mentions",
        "autofillGroups" : "off",
        "disableFollowedTopics" : "off",
        "disableGroupMentions" : "[]",
        "display" : "",
        "overrideIgnores" : "off"

Chat Message Object

> db.objects.findOne({_key: "message:1000"})
        "_id" : ObjectId("554537872b1e9e3c288d3b5e"),
        "_key" : "message:1000",
        "content" : "a chat message\n",
        "timestamp" : 1386347930646,
        "fromuid" : 2,
        "touid" : 243

Notification Object - each notification can have different fields depending on how it was created

> db.objects.findOne({_key: "notifications:chat_15142_3672"})
        "_id" : ObjectId("5ee0fe343dc567806d463a6f"),
        "_key" : "notifications:chat_15142_3672",
        "type" : "new-chat",
        "subject" : "subject",
        "bodyShort" : "short notification body",
        "bodyLong" : "long notification body",
        "nid" : "chat_15142_3672",
        "from" : 15142,
        "path" : "/chats/3672",
        "importance" : 5,
        "datetime" : 1591803444289

This lets us store all the forum data, now to retrieve it in a sorted fashion we use sorted sets. You can think of sorted sets as indexes. They have two fields value and score.

Let's look at a sample users:postcount sorted set.

When users are created an object is created to store their data at user:<uid> and their postcount and uid are added to a sorted set called users:postcount. postcount is used as the score and the uid is used as the value. As the user makes more posts their score is incremented in this sorted set. The below query returns the top posters in the forum.

> db.objects.find({ _key:"users:postcount" }, { _id: 0, _key: 0 }).sort({ score: -1 }).pretty()
{ "value" : "2", "score" : 4121 }
{ "value" : "970", "score" : 2749 }
{ "value" : "3", "score" : 2190 }
{ "value" : "1", "score" : 1707 }
{ "value" : "598", "score" : 769 }
{ "value" : "11", "score" : 733 }
{ "value" : "477", "score" : 546 }
{ "value" : "587", "score" : 504 }
{ "value" : "747", "score" : 467 }
{ "value" : "302", "score" : 449 }

Here the value field is the user id and score is their postcount. From the result of this query we can see that user id 2 is the top poster with 4121 posts.

Below is a complete javascript function to retrieve the top posters in the forum using the database module in nodebb.

const db = require('../database');
const user = require('../user')
async function getTopPosters(start, stop) {
    const uids = await db.getSortedSetRevRange('users:postcount', start, stop);
    return await user.getUsers(uids);

The db class provides set of functions to manipulate hashes, sets, sortedsets and lists. You can see all of the source here. It doesn't matter if you are using mongodb or redis since the interface is the same. For an explanation see this post.

There are many sorted sets in nodebb that let us display the data, for example posts of a topic are stored in tid:<tid>:posts using the post timestamp as score to display the posts sorted by time. Below you can find a reference to all the sorted sets and what is stored as the value and score.

User Sorted Sets

key: users:joindate
score: timestamp user was created
value: uid of user
key: users:online
score: timestamp user was last online
value: uid of user
key: users:postcount
score: postcount of user
value: uid of user
key: users:reputation
score: reputation of user
value: uid of user
key: users:notvalidated
score: timestamp user was added to this set
value: uid of user
key: users:flags
score: number of times user was flagged
value: uid of user
key: users:banned
score: timestamp user was banned
value: uid of user
key: users:banned:expire
score: timestamp user bann will expire
value: uid of user
key: uid:<uid>:bans:timestamp
score: timestamp user was banned
value: uid:<uid>:ban:<timestamp>
key: username:uid
score: uid of the user
value: username of the user
key: userslug:uid
score: uid
value: userslug of the user
key: email:uid
score: uid of user
value: lowercased email of user
key: email:sorted
score: 0
value: <lowercase_email>:<uid>
key: username:sorted
score: 0
value: <lowercase_username>:<uid>
key: user:<uid>:usernames
score: timestamp of username changge
value: <username>:<timestamp>
key: user:<uid>:emails
score: timestamp of email change
value: <email>:<timestamp>
key: uid:<uid>:posts
score: timestamp of post creation
value: post id
key: cid:<cid>:uid:<uid>:pids
score: timestamp of post creation
value: post id

Category Sorted Sets

key: categories:cid
score: order of category
value: category id
key: cid:<cid>:children
score: order of category
value: category id
key: categories:name
score: 0
value: <lowercase_categoryname>:<cid>
key: cid:<cid>:tids
score: last post timestamp
value: topic id
key: cid:<cid>:tids:posts
score: post count of topic
value: topic id
key: cid:<cid>:tids:votes
score: vote count of topic
value: topic id
key: cid:<cid>:tids:views
score: viewcount of topic
value: topic id
key: cid:<cid>:tids:pinned
score: order of pinned tid
value: topic id

Topic Sorted Sets

key: topics:tid
score: topic timestamp
value: topic id
key: topics:posts
score: topic post count
value: topic id
key: topics:votes
score: topic vote count
value: topic id
key: topics:views
score: topic viewcount
value: topic id
key: tid:<tid>:posters
score: number of posts made by user
value: user id

Post Sorted Sets

key: posts:pid
score: post timetstamp
value: post id
key: tid:<tid>:posts
score: post timestamp
value: post id
key: tid:<tid>:posts:votes
score: post vote count
value: post id

Chat Sorted Sets

key: uid:<uid>:chat:rooms
score: timestamp of last message
value: chat room id
key: uid:<uid>:chat:rooms:read
score: timestamp of when user read chat room
value: chat room id
key: chat:room:<roomId>:mids
score: timestamp of message
value: message id
key: chat:room:<roomId>:uids
score: timestamp when user joined room
value: uid
key: chat:room:<roomId>:owners
score: timestamp when user became owner
value: uid
key: chat:rooms:public
score: timestamp when chat room is created
value: chat room id
key: chat:rooms:public:order
score: order of chat room
value: chat room id
key: chat:rooms
score: timestamp when room is created
value: chat room id
